The Basic Lawn Care Guide for a Beautiful Yard

lawn with new landscape

Maintaining a beautiful yard can be a lot of work, but it's definitely worth it! In this guide, we will discuss the basic steps that you need to take in order to have a stunning lawn. We'll cover everything from watering and fertilizing to mowing and weed control. So whether you're a new homeowner or just looking for some helpful tips, read on for the basics of lawn care!

North Carolina is known to have very hot summers and pretty cool winters. This can be a challenge for your lawn if you are inexperienced or just don't have the time to give your lawn the care it deserves, so we will cover the basics of:

  • Watering Your Lawn
  • Fertilizing Your Lawn 
  • Mowing Your Lawn
  • Weed Control

Watering Your Lawn in North Carolina

As we mentioned, the summers in North Carolina can be pretty brutal. This means that your lawn is going to need a lot of water to stay healthy and green. But how much water does it really need? The answer to this question depends on a few factors, such as the type of grass you have, the weather, and how often you mow. For example, if you have Bermuda grass, it will need about an inch of water per week during the summer months. If you're not sure how much water your lawn needs, a good rule of thumb is to put out about half an inch twice a week. You can use a rain gauge to measure this or simply estimate by time. For example, if you have a sprinkler that puts out an inch of water in 15 minutes, you would need to run it for 30 minutes twice a week. If you live in an area with high humidity, you may need to water more often than twice a week. And if it's been particularly hot or dry, your lawn may need even more water than usual. The best way to know for sure is to check the soil. If it's dry several inches below the surface, it's time to water.

Fertilizing Your Lawn In North Carolina

Fertilizing your lawn is an important part of keeping it healthy and green. The type of fertilizer you use, and the amount you use, will vary depending on the time of year and the type of grass you have. In general, it's best to fertilize your lawn four times a year: once in early spring, once in late spring, once in early summer, and once in fall.

If you're not sure what kind of fertilizer to use, or how much to use, ask a local nursery or landscape company, like FineTurf, for advice. They'll be able to recommend a product that's right for your lawn and give you instructions on how to apply it properly. Remember: when it comes to fertilizing your lawn,  less is more. Over-fertilizing can do more harm than good, so it's important to follow the directions on the fertilizer package carefully. Most lawns in NC should have a PH level between 6.0-6.5, so this is the number to aim for when testing your soil. 

Mowing Your Lawn in North Carolina

How often you need to mow your lawn depends on the type of grass you have. For most types of grass, you'll want to mow once a week during the growing season, which is usually April through October in NC. Be sure to set your mower blades to the correct height - if they're too low, they can damage your grass, and if they're too high, your lawn will look shaggy. Most people like to keep their grass at around two and a half inches tall. 

When it comes time to mow your lawn, make sure you're using sharp blades. Dull blades will tear your grass rather than cut it cleanly, which can damage the blades of grass and make them more susceptible to lawn disease and not growing properly. 

Weed Control in North Carolina

Weeds: all homeowners hate how much of a nuisance they are, as they can ruin the overall curb appeal of your home. You take extra care of your lawn, but you still see those pesky weeds. Here are some tips on how to get rid of them and have a beautiful-looking lawn again.

Identify The Type of Weed: 

This will help you determine the best method of removing it. Some common weeds in North Carolina are crabgrass, dandelions, white clover, and plantain.

Treat it Accordingly: 

If it's a broadleaf weed, like dandelions, you can use a chemical herbicide that targets them specifically. If it's a grassy weed like crabgrass, you can use a pre-emergent herbicide that prevents it from germinating in the first place.

Prevent Future Weeds:

Once you've gotten rid of the existing weeds, you'll want to take steps to prevent them from coming back. This includes mowing your lawn regularly and watering deeply but less frequently. This is where fertilizer comes into play to help your lawn in making it healthy and lush, so weeds have a harder time taking root. 

Inquire About Professional Lawn Care

If you aren't seeing the results your turf needs, or you don't have adequate time to spend on your lawn, this is where professional lawn care can really help out. Our expert technicians at FineTurf Lawn Care service areas throughout the Charlotte area and want to make sure your home is providing the best curb appeal possible. We offer services including aeration and overseeding, weed control, lawn disease control, and more! 

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